Closets, Closets, Closets!

The mudroom is a staple at this point – an absolute must have. But homebuyers need more than just a place to drop the extras!

Guest closets and large walk-in closets increase appeal and are a huge value add to the buyers. What better way to eliminate clutter than to stop it before it starts! Guest closets allow owners and guests a place to store coats, shoes, and bags during visits and keeps things out of the hallway and off the floor. A nice closet near the guest entrance is an invaluable addition to a home, especially for the neatnik!

2019 has us thinking dual function, with a magnificent dressing room and closet combo. Spacious walk-ins give a luxurious feel and offer a mini-haven to get ready in! The organized display they provide makes finding that special shirt or perfect pair of shoes a breeze. Saved time and increased storage? No complaints about that! Makes you want one right now, doesn’t it? Check out these wonderful images from @chase_amie (Women’s Walk In) and @thecontainerstore (Men’s Walk In) for some ideas!

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